Some of the Most Common Grounds for Complaint
Mistakes will be made and complaints will be lodged as a common aspect of doing business…any business. In the insurance industry there are vehicles for dealing with complaints and entities to assist branches with resolving issues arising from errors and misunderstandings. The General Insurance OmbudService (GIO) is one such avenue for accessing this kind of help. When the services of the GIO cannot find a satisfactory outcome, a complaint against an insurance professional may be channeled through investigations and processes to a disciplinary action. It is important for representatives to be knowledgeable about these procedures and to be competent enough to avoid actions and omissions that lead to complaints in the first place.
The purpose of this course is to heighten the awareness of participants regarding the common types of errors that lead to complaints against representatives, to educate them about the avenues of resolution of such problems, and to expose them to best practices in the areas from which complaints arise.
This course is included as part of your ILS ChAD Course Subscription
Included as part of the ChAD UFC Course Subscription
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