FAQ: Group Program from ILScorp
Group contracts can be purchased for:
- General
- Life and A&S
- Adjuster
- Financial Planner
- ChAD
What if a company requires more than one type of credits?
Contracts can be written for more than one type of credit.
For example: 6 users for General and 3 users for Life and A&S for a total of 9 users.
What kind of discounts are available?
There are 4 different contracts that can be purchased based on the minimum number of users for the contract.
- Bronze: 10% discount
- Sliver: 15% discount
- Gold: 20% discount
- Platinum: 25% discount
Is there a maximum number of users for a group?
There is no maximum number of users for a group.
What is the minimum number of users for a group?
The minimum number of users for a group is 3 users
Can you exchange users if a person leaves the company?
If a person leaves the company and they have not accessed courses in the current subscription period, then that person can be removed from the group another person added in their place at no additional charge.
How long are the contracts for?
Group contracts are signed for a two year period, payable yearly.
Why is it payable yearly?
Group contracts are payable yearly to help manage the users of a group; should the number of users increase, or the users themselves be exchanged.
When can the courses be accessed?
As the courses are online they can be accessed 24/7 from any computer with internet access.
Can more than one person use a profile?
The profiles are for individual use only and have the individual’s name and license number attached to the profile.
How are the groups managed?
With a group there is at least one individual in the company who acts as the Administrator for the group.
What can a group administrator do?
A group administrator is the only individual who has the authority to request changes to the group. They have the ability to view who is currently in the group as well as the access codes for the users. An administrator also has the ability to add new users to the group through their own profile and view if a user has accessed courses.