CIPR is short for Canadian Insurance Participant Registry.
The Canadian Insurance Participant Registry (CIPR) provides a single, secure, self-serve service where regulated parties can maintain, and control access to, their personal information. All registrants receive a unique identifier called their CIPR # which can be used to identify them to all signatories to the Registry including insurance regulators in all jurisdictions across the country, and eventually, participating insurers, LLQP providers, continuing education providers, etc.
Additionally, signatories have the option of delegating participant authentication to the Registry so registrants can use a single id and password to gain access to regulator sites across the country.
How do I get a CIPR Number?
To register with CIPR, please click this link and complete the registration and verification process.
If I forgot my CIPR number, can I simply get a new one?
No. If you create a new CIPR ID it is not linked to your license and you will not be able to renew your license. At least 2 weeks are required to repair this situation.
How do I add my CIPR number to my ILS profile?
As an ILS member in the ILS e-learning center, you can add your CIPR number to your profile so it will appear on your CE certificates.
Sign in to ILScorp using your ILS UserID and Password.
— Click on “Personal Details” tab
— Then click on “Edit Contact Information” tab
— Update the “CIPR Number” located at the bottom of the contact information form.