ILScorp has added two new courses for BC insurance agents looking to enhance their Autoplan knowledge. “Introduction to BC Autoplan Insurance” provides new orientation training for those wanting to learn more about ICBC’s Autoplan insurance in BC, while “ICBC Autoplan Coverages and Exclusions” provides in-depth insurance training on ICBC’s Autoplan insurance coverage and exclusions.
The material in the introductory course is tailored for beginners to the industry, while the Coverages and Exclusions course reviews more details about ICBC’s Autoplan. Both courses review: ICBC Autoplan coverages and exclusions; Accident benefits; Underinsured Motorist Protection; Hit-and-Run & UMP; Third-party liability; what ICBC covers and more. 
As always with ILScorp insurance training courses, the emphasis is on providing high quality information. The information gathered for both courses been supplemented, in part, by a variety of insurance sources including: ICBC; the BC Ministry of Finance; Insurance Bureau of Canada; and the laws and regulations for BC’s auto industry.
Both courses are offered fully online in an interactive format, complete with pre-course knowledge assessment, and a post course exam. Each course should take about one hour to complete, and offers one continuing education credit hour.
Both courses are now available to subscribers of the ISLcorp General Insurance and Adjuster course catalogues, as well as for individual purchase for $85. For more information about these BC Autoplan insurance courses, and more online insurance course options, visit or call 1-800-404-2211.

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