Feeling dog-tired this ruff Monday morning? Well you’re in luck, it’s National Puppy Day!  Throw yourself a bone, stop working like a dog and paws to look at some incredibly adorable puppy photos.  After all, there is no denying people love their pets so they definitely deserve a bit of extra love and celebration.

Each year, we spend a lot of time and energy on our furry little friends. We also spend a lot of money. Between pet food, toys, cat litter, vet bills, etc., the costs add up quickly. But when our dog or our cat falls ill or is injured in an accident, many of us don’t have the money needed to deal with the situation. However, the increasing availability of pet insurance in Canada is helping pet owners deal with these incurred costs.

ILS offers two online courses that deal specifically with Pet Insurance and Liability of owners for their pets. Both of theses courses are included as part of the ILS General CE or Adjuster CE Course Subscription.


Pet Insurance, Insurance for Man’s Best Friends
 In this course, we will look pet insurance under the following topic headings, specifically:
1. About Pet Insurance
– The history of pet insurance
– The importance of pets
– Why get pet insurance?
2. The Product
– Standard coverages and exclusions
– How to make a claim
– Real life examplesThis course qualifies for 2 continuing education credit hours (General/Adjuster – Technical) and is included in your ILS General CE or Adjuster CE Course Subscription.



Liability of Owners for their Pets: Legal Precedents

Liability of Owners for their Pets: Legal Precedents

An alarming number of Canadians are injured by animals. While it may seem that dogs, particularly pit bulls and Rottweilers, get most of the attention, there have been some substantial liability claims arising out of the ownership of other animals, including farm animals and exotic pets. This course examines pet owners’ liability.


  • Determination of Liability – Basic Principles
  • The Law Respecting Civil Action against Animal Owners
  • Liability for Domestic Pets (Dogs and Cats)
  • Liability for Farm Animals
  • Liability for Exotic Pets
  • Animal Ownership: How to Minimize the Risk

This course qualifies for 2 continuing education credit hours (General/Adjuster – Technical) and is included in your ILS General CE or Adjuster CE Course Subscription.


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