ILScorp offers insurance training and exam prep courses for CAIB 1, 2, 3, & 4, via online video training, virtual classrooms and live immersion classes.

If you are just starting your insurance career, then the Canadian Accredited Insurance Broker Level 1 Exam prep course is for you. Learn the fundamentals of working in the insurance industry, and prepare to write your CAIB 1 licensing exam.

Looking to earn your CAIB 2, 3, or 4 designation? ILS can help there too!

Our interactive, online CAIB Exam Preparation video courses combine the dynamic instruction of Todd Hochban with the ease and convenience of online learning. Each CAIB insurance training course contains streaming video, and is divided into easy-to-manage chapters. Each chapter includes 10-20 video clips, along with easy to read text. Numerous exercises and mock exams help to reinforce knowledge retention. Study online with 24/7 access to the program, allowing you to work on your own schedule.

Or if you want more guidance, start the ILS CAIB Virtual Classroom program on Nov. 4 and receive a study schedule, daily emails and quizzes and more. You’ll be ready to write any level of CAIB exam in just four short weeks.

Online self-study is a proven way to successfully prepare for insurance licensing examinations. Study at your own pace – stop the program at any time and return when you want. Go back over difficult-to-grasp points as often as you wish. More than 80% of students who prepare to write their CAIB exams with the ILScorp CAIB tutorial courses are successful.

Through ILS’s online courses, you’ll receive the same dynamic instruction as students who attend classroom sessions. Long-time insurance educator Todd Hochban brings his successful “need-to-know” approach to this video production. Preparing to write the CAIB 1, CAIB 2, CAIB 3, and CAIB 4 examinations has never been easier!

Once you’re ready to write the exam, contact your local insurance council to arrange your exam.

Instructor Todd Hochban highly recommends using the CAIB textbook in conjunction with the ILScorp CAIB Programs to thoroughly learn the material. CAIB textbooks can be purchased through your provincial brokers association. Contact the association directly for more information.

And remember when it comes to CAIB, ILS wrote the book! Our founder and past president Steve Hawrishok developed and wrote the CAIB course.

Call 1-800-404-2211 or visit today for more information.

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