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Could Your Office Etiquette Use a Tune-up? ILScorp Has the Course for You

Could Your Office Etiquette Use a Tune-up? ILScorp Has the Course for You

Not invited to the holiday parties? Passed over for promotions? You may not know it, but your office behaviour could be affecting your co-workers perceptions of you. Are you acting in a professional manner in the work place? Not sure? Know someone in your office who could use a few pointers?
ILScorp’s Office Etiquette course will teach employees how to behave professionally in the office.

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Improve Your Time Management Skills, Just in Time for the Busy Holiday Season

Improve Your Time Management Skills, Just in Time for the Busy Holiday Season

As the holidays approach our calendars start to fill up with additional events and activities on top of an already busy schedule. How do you fit it all in? Where do you find that balance?
As insurance professionals, managing your time is important. From responding to clients in a timely manner to arranging meetings, and balancing personal time, there is a distinct need in the industry for strong time management skills.

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Quebec CSF Compliance Deadline is Nov. 30. Complete Your Hours Now With ILS

Quebec CSF Compliance Deadline is Nov. 30. Complete Your Hours Now With ILS

November 30 marks Chambre de la sécurité financière compliance deadline in Quebec.
The Chambre oversees the training and ethics of nearly 32,000 members who work in five sectors and registration category: group savings plan brokerage, financial planning, insurance of persons, group insurance of persons and scholarship plan brokerage. If this is you, ILS can help you complete your mandated compliance training hours.

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Changes Proposed for Alberta’s Auto Insurance Industry

Changes Proposed for Alberta’s Auto Insurance Industry

Alberta’s provincial government is proposing changes to province’s auto insurance system, to better protect consumers from rising premiums, while still giving individual companies more opportunity to make their case for increased pricing.
“Albertans have told us they want increased oversight in their auto insurance rates and we’ve listened.”

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Canadians Want to Learn More About Their Insurance During Financial Literacy Month

Canadians Want to Learn More About Their Insurance During Financial Literacy Month

November is Financial Literacy Month in Canada, and Canadians are keen to learn more about how insurance affects their finances, according to a recent Pollara survey commissioned by Insurance Bureau of Canada (IBC). Half of Canadians want to better understand home and car insurance and how it fits into their financial plans and almost 90% think children should learn about home and car insurance at school, according to the survey.

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Young Drivers May See Insurance Rate Breaks in Ontario With New Program

Young Drivers May See Insurance Rate Breaks in Ontario With New Program

Young Ontario drivers may soon benefit from a new program aimed at cutting vehicle insurance costs for this high risk group. Ontario parents and their teen drivers may soon have some relief for the high cost of car insurance, when a variation of a Quebec program by insurer Industrial Alliance comes to Ontario. While it won’t be run by Industrial Alliance, it will be loosely based on its Mobiliz program aimed at 16-to-24-year-old drivers.

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