ILScorp Blog

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25 Days Left! Who else wants fast CE?

It’s coming! Your May 31, CE credit deadline! This year save yourself from CE panic!
With ILS your CE is Fast, Easy and DONE!
Purchase or renew your ILS CE Course Subscription and complete your mandatory CE requirements entirely online now!
ILS offers accredited continuing education courses for insurance agents and financial planners across Canada! Continuing Education deadlines for insurance agents in BC and Manitoba are May 31, and Alberta’s requirements must be met by June 30 this year.

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This is NACHO ordinary deal! CINCO de MAYO Celebration!

This is NACHO ordinary deal! CINCO de MAYO Celebration!

Today May 5th is CINCO de MAYO…but at ILScorp it’s CINCO para DOS!
(Translation: FIVE for TWO!)
Cinco para Dos! Get the ILS Introduction to General Insurance Level 1 Licensing Program, (The ILS IGI Total Package) regularly priced at $500 for only $200!
AY CHIHUAHUA! This is NACHO ordinary deal!
The ILS Introduction to General Insurance Level 1 Licensing Program (IGI) has over an 80% pass rate due and is the most up to date Level 1 Licensing Program available in British Columbia, Saskatchewan and Manitoba.

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Earth Day 2015 is this Wednesday April 22.

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How e-Learning benefits you and the environment

This Earth Day, (Wednesday April 22) be green and participate in more e-Learning! The environment will thank you, and so will your bottom line. Implementing e-Learning has many environmental benefits in addition to its effectiveness as an educating medium. Today we highlight some of the ways in which e-Learning can help your organization become more eco-friendly and improve the lives of people everywhere.

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Sample Questions and Answers from CAIB Exams

Ever wonder what the CAIB Exams consist of?

How many questions are on CAIB Key Terms? Is there a multiple choice component? And how many marks are the open ended general questions worth?

To help you prep for your CAIB Exam here is a quick reference list of the structure of CAIB exams and even some sample questions and answers.

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New Adjusting Bodily Injury Claims Course

New Adjusting Bodily Injury Claims Course

Adjusting Bodily Injury Claims: Module 4: Muscle Strains & Skeletal Make Up
This course is included as part of your ILS General CE and/or Adjuster CE Course Subscription

This interactive, online audio course, written and narrated by Maurice McFadden, a 40 year industry veteran, explores the various conditions that can affect muscles, while the second part of this module explores the skeletal make up

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10 Office Pranks Perfect for April Fools’ Day

Ah, April Fools’ Day. While we can’t wait to see what amusing pranks the likes of Google are cooking up, you can plot your own fun in the meantime.

Here are 10 suggestions, ranging from vintage classics to more up-to-date tricks that you can play on your colleagues, friends and frenemies.

If your office has a good sense of humor and you’re looking for a bit of light-hearted, harmless fun this April 1, take a look through these ideas and please share your own suggestions in the comments box below! Happy April Foolin’!

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Canadian Insurance Continuing Education Requirements and Record Keeping

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Insurance Licensing Regulations in Manitoba

The following information is to be used as guidance to help you ensure you meet your professional requirements and obligations. For more information or for help with specific questions, contact your provincial or territorial insurance council.
Licensees must self-report their earned continuing education credits online through the Insurance Council of Manitoba’s Enhanced Online CE Module.

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Today is national puppy day!

Today is national puppy day!

Feeling dog-tired this ruff Monday morning? Well you’re in luck, it’s National Puppy Day! Throw yourself a bone, stop working like a dog and paws to look at some incredibly adorable puppy photos. After all, there is no denying people love their pets so they definitely deserve a bit of extra love and celebration.

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Complete your ChAD PDU compliance requirements for 2015!

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New Quebec accredited online course added to your ILS ChAD Subscription

Complete your ChAD PDU compliance requirements for 2015!
Quebec brokers and adjusters can take advantage of the ILS ChAD Subscription to save money while accessing accredited continuing education courses. Review course material as often as you’d like in a 6 month period, all for a low one-time cost. With an ILS ChAD Subscription, you’ll have access to over 77 accredited online courses for Quebec licensed insurance agents, brokers and adjusters. We’ve recently added a new ChAD accredited course to the ILS ChAD Subscription at no extra cost to current subscribers!

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