As long as there has been insurance, fraud and deception have co-existed. There has always been an element of society prone to trying to obtain benefits they are not entitled to. Most would agree there will always be a percentage of insurance claims deemed fraudulent. This means the goal is to discourage fraud. Awareness, knowledge and training are tools that can be used to limit fraud.

Web pages are full of headline-making insurance scams. In the stories that abound are found examples of frauds from every category of insurance. So long as wealth changes hand, they will be those who attempt to wrongfully seize a portion of this.

The objective of ILScorp’s new online course Introduction to Insurance Fraud is to provide skills and training for employees on the topic of insurance fraud. This course provides information on techniques for identifying the common signs of fraud. It also supplies information on the behaviors associated with these types of actions.

Examples of the most common varieties of fraud are included throughout the course. Also discussed are situations where insurance fraud commonly occurs.

The course is interspersed with advice on ways to identify suspicious claims and deal with these in recommended ways. The basic flow for how these claims are handled is presented and the new techniques developed for identifying suspicious claims is introduced.

The course also emphasizes the importance of the common law duties, particularly good will that generally governs the way in which insurance claims are properly handled.

The introduction provides a reference to terms used and there are nine lessons.

A Final Quiz is presented at the end.

This new online course is available now to all ILScorp Group Members as part of your ILScorp General Insurance CE Course Subscription and also your ILScorp Adjuster CE Course Subscription.

Learning Objectives and Lesson Outline:

Glossary: Terms Specific to Insurance Fraud

Lesson One: A Brief Background to Insurance, Fraud and Deception

Lesson Two: Insurance Fraud and its Effects

Lesson Three: Key Points in the Insurance Process – Point of Sale

Lesson Four: Key Points in the Insurance Process – First Notice of Loss

Lesson Five: Key Points in the Insurance Process – After Payment

Lesson Six: Auto Accident Indicators

Lesson Seven: Arson Indicators

Lesson Eight: Burglary & Theft Indicators

Lesson Nine: Handling Suspicious Claims

The Introduction to Insurance Fraud online course is accredited for 2 Continuing Education Hours.
Credit Type: General/Adjuster – Technical
Accredited Provinces: BC, AB, SK, MB, ON

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