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ILS Level 1 General & Adjuster Insurance Licensing

Alberta Exam Preparation

Introducing ILScorp’s newest exam preparation course –  ILS Level 1 General & Adjuster Insurance Licensing Program (ILS L1) Alberta Exam Prep!

The ILS Level 1 General & Adjuster Insurance Licensing Alberta Exam Prep Program is the most up to date and comprehensive  program available. All key concepts, forms and coverages have been updated, so that upon successful completion, you’ll be ready to write your Alberta Level 1 General Insurance Licensing or Alberta Level 1 Adjuster Licensing Final Exam.

After helping thousands of students successfully pass licensing exams, we know that not all students are alike. The fact is, not everyone learns and retains information exactly the same way. We reviewed, researched and listened to our students, and from the results created the brand new ILS L1 Program.

The ILS L1 Program has all the resources and learning material you need in one package. The foundation of your ILS L1 Program is your L1 online video course, hardcopy textbook, and workbook, each organized into easy to manage chapters. Utilizing all three learning elements enables you to listen to the content as it is narrated in the video course, follow along in your textbook, and enforce your knowledge retention by answering questions on key concepts in your workbook.

Once you have mastered the ILS L1 foundation, the Alberta Auto Essentials and further Alberta Supplemental material is covered in additional online modules added to your ILS L1 Program.  When all components of your ILS L1 Program are successfully completed, the material you’ve learned has prepped you for your Alberta General Insurance Level 1 Licensing Final Exam or Alberta Adjuster Level 1 Licensing Final Exam.

Recommended study time of 80 to 120 hours. You must contact the Alberta Insurance Council to register and complete your Level 1 Licensing Final Exam.




With the ILS L1 Program key concepts are expressed using real life scenarios and examples, end of chapter quizzes can be taken as many times as you wish, and the workbook has over 650 exam type true or false questions along with answer keys.





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