Alberta Insurance Agents – Only 1 Week Until Your CE Deadline

Alberta Insurance Agents – Only 1 Week Until Your CE Deadline

This year’s Continuing Education deadline for Alberta insurance agents is now only one week away, and there is still time to complete your CE courses with ILScorp.

Alberta insurance professionals must complete their mandatory CE hours by Thursday, Oct. 31. With ILScorp, you can complete your continuing education insurance training on your own schedule, whenever and wherever is convenient for you.

Continuing Education courses with ILScorp are affordable – a subscription to our General Insurance continuing education courses is only $185, which allows you to choose from more than 160 accredited online CE courses. Or purchase courses on an individual basis starting at $85. Group pricing is also available for groups of five or more.

ILScorp’s general subscription offers more than 160 online General Insurance training courses (more than 300 credit hours) designed to help Alberta insurance agents meet their mandatory licensing requirements and receive the most relevant and up-to-date training in the industry. All ILScorp General Insurance continuing education courses are accredited and are written by insurance training experts.

Courses are offered online as either text or video, and are designed to engage the user, so the learning experience is both interesting and entertaining.  The online format allows you to access your courses anytime, anywhere, and at your convenience.

More than 23,000 annual subscribers use our online training programs and ILS has been Canada’s leader in online insurance training and career development since 2001. ILScorp offers your best option for insurance industry continuing education credits.

Call 1-800-404-2211 or go and get started today.

CE with ILS – fast, easy, done!  

Privacy Laws Coming to Manitoba. ILS has the Training You Need To Understand the New Legislation

Privacy Laws Coming to Manitoba. ILS has the Training You Need To Understand the New Legislation

Manitoba has now joined BC, Alberta and Quebec by enacting personal information protection and identity theft laws.

On Sept. 13 Manitoba’s new Personal Information Protection and Identity Theft Prevention Act SM2013, C.17 received royal assent. The legislation applies to “every organization and in respect of all personal information.” The legislation relies on the basic principle that personal information may only be collected, used and disclosed with the informed consent of the individual involved and, in many ways, it mirrors the privacy laws in the other two western provinces.

These privacy laws do not apply to public bodies or to personal information under the control of a public body. Public bodies are generally covered by the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act . In addition, Manitoba also has a Privacy Act, which creates a cause of action for breach of privacy.

The legislation will fall under the umbrella of the Manitoba Ombudsman who is currently responsible for the FIPPA legislation. This privacy law creates offences for willfully collecting, using or disclosing personal information in contravention of the legislation or for willfully attempting to gain or gaining access to personal information in contravention of the legislation. It is also an offence to dispose or alter, falsify, conceal or destroy personal information or any record relating to personal information, or direct another person to do so, with an intent to evade a request for access to the information or the record.

Now is the time to make sure you understand how this legislation affects your workplace and how you manage clients’ information. ILScorp already includes privacy training courses as part of the general insurance course subscription package – these courses are free for all ILS subscribers.

Completing your privacy training with ILScorp means we will have a record on file of training for all brokers, should you ever need it. And of course, taking courses with ILS is fast, easy and fun!

The general insurance subscription package includes access to more than 160 accredited courses, worth more than 300 continuing education hours. With a wide variety of courses available, you’ll always find something of interest to you and your business.

Not a subscriber yet? Visit to see the benefits and remember, group subscriptions are also available.

Canadians Prefer to Buy Their Life Insurance Face-to-Face With Their Insurance Agent

Canadians Prefer to Buy Their Life Insurance Face-to-Face With Their Insurance Agent

Canadians indicate a strong preference for buying their life insurance in person, a recent LIMRA study revealed. The 2013 Canadian Life Insurance Ownership Study shows that 76% of Canadians would prefer to buy life insurance face-to-face rather than buying from work, on the Internet, by direct mail or by phone.

That was one of the key findings from the 2013 Canadian Life Insurance Ownership Study, which monitors long-term patterns in life insurance ownership, adequacy of coverage and consumers’ attitudes about life insurance.

“Our research found that six million Canadians believe they need more life insurance, and three-quarters of those we surveyed would prefer to buy it face-to-face,” says Cheryl Retzloff, senior research director for LIMRA.

Of the one in four Canadian households that prefer to purchase through other methods, the Internet was the most popular (11%), followed closely by workplace and by phone or mail. By comparison, in the United States, 43% of those surveyed said they prefer to buy through the Internet or by mail or phone.

The survey also finds that only 68% of Canadian households have any life insurance at all, compared with 79% in 2006. Life insurance ownership has declined in Canada, but with many Canadians indicating that they need more insurance, the industry has an opportunity to bolster sales.

“Since 2006, Canadians have lived through a recession resulting in less discretionary income for most people,” said Cheryl Retzloff, senior research director for LIMRA. “Given that environment, it’s not surprising to see overall life insurance ownership decline.”

Many Canadians recognize that they are underinsured, the survey shows. Married households with children under age 18 appear to be particularly vulnerable. Three quarters of respondents in this category said they would have difficulty with living expenses if a primary wage earner were to die.

The top factors holding consumers back from buying life insurance include a perception that it’s not affordable, and the fact that it’s considered a low priority.

Are you prepared to provide your life insurance clients with the best options? Can you guide them through the buying process and meet their needs, overcome objections, and well as your own professional goals? ILScorp offers online training for Canadian life insurance agents, including online continuing education credits, and courses specific to meet your needs. Visit today to learn more about our Life / A&S CE subscriptions and individual insurance training courses.

Virtual Classroom Insurance Training Courses Start Nov. 4th. Learn How to Save $100 on Your Registration

Virtual Classroom Insurance Training Courses Start Nov. 4th. Learn How to Save $100 on Your Registration

With the upcoming ILS Virtual Classroom insurance training programs you could be finished your Level 1 insurance licensing and ready to start your career in the Canadian insurance industry by Nov. 29. No need to wait until the new year or a new semester to complete your insurance training! And now, you can save $100 on the cost of the program with our Give Thanks promotion.

The ILS Introduction to General Insurance Virtual Classroom program starts Nov. 4 and runs for four weeks. The ILS Introduction to General Insurance has a pass rate of more than 80% among students using the Virtual Classroom study program. The ILS Introduction to General Insurance licensing program is valid in BC, Manitoba and Saskatchewan.

The virtual classroom program also offers Fundamentals of Insurance Exam Preparation; and CAIB 1, 2 3 or 4 Exam Preparation. Note: You must register by Nov. 1 to write the CAIB exams upon completion of your ILS exam prep class.

All of the ILS Virtual Classroom courses include:

  • a daily assisted learning calendar – to keep you on track, we provide a study calendar that breaks down the insurance training courses into easy-to-manage daily study modules;
  • online video courses  – it’s like having a personal tutor for your insurance training, with the added benefit of being able to pause, rewind and review at the touch of a button;
  • daily email quiz questions  – questions on the previous day’s readings help to enforce key concepts;
  • weekly practice exams – weekly practice exams simulate a real exam environment, so you can become comfortable with the exam process;
  • An online discussion forum and review videos – to help keep you focused and clarify key points.

The virtual classroom gives you the flexibility to complete the work on your own time, but also gives you the tools to keep you on track to complete your course in just four weeks.

The regular price is $550.00 per Virtual Classroom. Use the promo code GIVETHANKS when you register and pay only $450.00 per Virtual Classroom.

Register using the code GIVETHANKS today at and be on your way to a rewarding insurance career. Once you’ve registered, the ILS staff will be in touch to get you set up and ready to learn. For more information call 1-800-404-2211.

Know How To Keep Your Clients Safe On The Road This Winter

Know How To Keep Your Clients Safe On The Road This Winter

Now that some parts of Canada have already seen their first snowfall, the rush to install winter tires is on. Even if you live in a region that doesn’t see a lot of snow fall, winter driving presents its own set of challenges, with darker days, wet or icy roads and more.

Keeping your vehicle in good technical repair reduces your overall chances for any mishap or disaster while driving – particularly in winter weather. To prepare your vehicle for winter driving give it a complete checkup, including: electrical (battery, ignition and lights); brakes; exhaust system; heating and cooling systems; and windshield wipers. And of course those tires – even if you don’t need snow tires, be sure you have a good set of matching all season tires that are properly balanced and properly inflated for the temperature.

Consider putting together a winter driving kit, including chains, sand or salt, scrapers, booster cables, flashlight, blanket, emergency food and more. And remember, to slow down, or even stay home in extremely inclement weather.

Share these and other winter driving suggestions with your clients to help keep them safe. But if the worst does happen make sure you’ve prepared them with the best possible insurance coverage for their needs. For BC and Ontario insurance agents, ILScorp offers auto insurance training courses.

ILScorp has added two new courses for BC insurance agents looking to enhance their Autoplan knowledge. “Introduction to BC Autoplan Insurance” provides new orientation training for those wanting to learn more about ICBC’s Autoplan insurance in BC, while “ICBC Autoplan Coverages and Exclusions” provides in-depth insurance training on ICBC’s Autoplan insurance coverage and exclusions.

The Ontario Auto Expert series of courses leads you through the coverage, common client concerns and questions, errors and omissions avoidance, options, and important considerations in giving advice about private automobile coverage in Ontario. The courses do not deal specifically with commercial vehicles.

The courses are offered fully online in an interactive format, complete with pre-course knowledge assessment, and a post course exam.

For more information about these BC Autoplan insurance courses, the Ontario Auto Expert Course, or more online insurance course options, visit or call 1-800-404-2211.

Review Earthquake Safety Today With the Great BC Shakeout

Review Earthquake Safety Today With the Great BC Shakeout

This morning marks the 2013 Great BC Shakeout. BC is one of many North American jurisdictions that take time out to remind people how to safely protect themselves in an earthquake. At 10:17 a.m., participate in the Great BC Shakeout by practicing how to “Drop, Cover and Hold On” in your home, workplace or classroom.

After you complete the drill and climb out from under your desk consider this: with the risk of earthquakes running high in BC, earthquake insurance is an important and evolving aspect of homeowner’s insurance in BC. Are you able to answer your clients’ concerns and do you know how to best meet their homeowners insurance policy needs?

A series of 5 new Homeowners Insurance Policy courses designed for insurance agents and adjusters has been launched by ILS. These online insurance training courses, each good for one continuing education credit hour, are accredited in BC, Alberta, Manitoba, and Saskatchewan.

The five-part series, written by Steve Hawrishok, includes courses covering:

1. Property Coverages Agreements & Definitions
2. Property Coverages A-D
3. Extensions of Coverage
4. Insured Perils & Exclusions
5. Basis of Claim Payment & Other Terms

All five courses are now included in the general and adjuster continuing education course catalogues at no extra charge to ILS subscribers. They can also be purchased individually at or call us a 1-800-404-2211, to join the more than 23,000 other Canadian insurance professionals who are learning with ILScorp every year.

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