The RIBO Level 1 License allows you to sell Habitational (personal and commercial) Insurance Coverages, Auto Insurance Coverages, Travel Insurance, and Liability Coverages in Ontario.

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Alberta Adjuster Licensing Requirements

Alberta Adjuster Licensing Requirements

Licensing Requirements

A criminal record check is required by all individuals who are first time applicants for licensing in Alberta.

The Alberta Insurance Council may also request that individuals who are applying for a general, life, accident & sickness, or adjuster certificate of authority provide a security clearance.

These Criminal Records checks can be obtained from the local policing authority by attending the local office and making a request.

1. Applicants for an Insurance Adjuster’s Certificate should complete the application Form #3 located on the Alberta Insurance Council Website.
2. New applicants for an Adjuster’s Certificate Level #1 (other than restricted “Hail, Equipment and Travel Adjusters”) are required to pass an examination before a license can be issued.  All new applicants must provide an original security clearance document which is not more than three months old.
3. Non-residents and persons who were licensed in another jurisdiction within the last year must submit an original, personal non-resident endorsement or other certificate of status, not more than 3 months old, from the appropriate licensing authority in their home jurisdiction, if they wish to be exempted from the examination.
4. A license cannot be issued in the name of the corporation unless the corporation is registered. Please check with any private registry office for further information. If a license is to be issued in the name of a business and you are the Level 3 Adjuster, you must also submit an application for a corporate certificate of authority (Form 6).
Non-residents must submit an original corporate, non-resident endorsement from the appropriate licensing authority in their home jurisdiction. If the business is a non-resident, it must provide evidence that is licensed as an adjuster from the appropriate licensing authority in its home jurisdiction.
5. The Adjusters Certificate Regulation 122/01 provides for three (3) levels of Adjusters Certificates.
Alberta Adjuster Certificate – Level 1:

  • Must pass an examination of the Alberta Insurance Council
  • Must be subject to the direct supervision of a holder of a level 3 adjuster’s certificate of authority. All reports in relation to the adjustment of claims must be approved and countersigned by that holder of a level 3 adjuster’s certificate of authority

Alberta Adjuster Certificate – Level 2:

  • Twenty-four months of consecutive claims adjusting experience plus successful completion of six Insurance Institute of Canada courses for a designation as an Associate of the Insurance Institute of Canada, of which one course must be C-15 (Loss Adjustment and Claims Settlements) or C-17 (Claims 1) or C-110 (Essentials of Loss Adjusting).
  • Must be subject to the direct supervision of a holder of a level 3 adjuster’s certificate of authority. All reports in relation to the adjustment of claims must be approved and countersigned by that holder of a level 3 adjuster’s certificate of authority.

Alberta Adjuster Certificate – Level 3:

  • Successfully met Level 2 requirements
  • Is an Associate of Fellow of the Insurance Institute of Canada or Chartered Insurance Professional (CIP) or a Fellow Chartered Insurance Professional (FCIP)
  • Has successfully completed the C-32 (Bodily Injury Claims) and either C-46 (Claims 2), C41 (Property Loss Adjustment) or C-111 (Advanced Loss Adjusting) courses of the Insurance Institute of Canada
  • Has acted as an adjuster for at least 60 months within the 10 year period immediately preceding the date of application

Alberta Adjuster Continuing Education Requirements:

Accredited Continuing Education Courses for Alberta Adjusters

6. All individuals holding Levels 1 and 2 Adjusters’ Certificates may only act as an adjuster if the individual is subject to the direct supervision of a holder of a level 3 adjuster’s certificate of authority and all reports in relation to the adjustment of claims must be approved and countersigned by that holder of a level 3 adjuster’s certificate of authority. A business that acts or offers to act as an adjuster and operates from more than one office must have in each office at least one adjuster who holds a level 2 adjuster’s certificate of authority.

7. A Level 3 adjuster can apply to be the Designated Representative of a business or a sole proprietorship if he or she holds an adjuster’s certificate of authority and:
a) Is an individual,
b) Is an Associate or Fellow of the Insurance Institute of Canada, or Chartered Insurance Professional or a Fellow Chartered Insurance Professional,
c) Holds a level 3 adjuster’s certificate of authority, and
d) Has responsibility for the management and supervision of the business.

8. Applicants with more than 10 years insurance adjusting experience prior to 1990 and who is not an Associate or Fellow of the Insurance Institute of Canada should contact the Council for further instructions.

9. The annual fee for an Adjuster’s or Corporate Certificate is $95.00 both for new and renewal.

10. If you have paid a full fee in the current licensing year any change or amendment to that class of license prior to April 1 will only require a $25.00 fee. If a change of level is desired please send your $25.00 fee and proof of successful completion of the required courses to the Alberta Insurance Council.

13. Your application must be recommended by the Level 3 Designated Representative adjuster in your firm.



Saskatchewan Council Approved Mandatory Ethics Training – minimum of 3 hours

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Alberta you’re up! Get ready for your June 30 CE deadline.

While most insurance professionals in BC are breathing a huge sigh of relief this fine Monday morning, Alberta brokers, agents and adjusters are stepping up to the CE home plate for a few practice swings.

Alberta you’re up!

Your June 30 CE deadline is just around the corner, so get online and get to work.

(I know it it’s Monday and you aren’t even thinking about CE yet, but don’t worry Alberta, we’ll be badgering Manitoba Adjusters too, not just you. Promise.)

Here’s a friendly reminder of your Alberta Insurance CE requirements and record keeping obligations.

General insuranceJuly 1 to June 30 annually – 15 CE credits

AdjustersJuly 1 to June 30 annually – 15 CE credits

Life and Accident and SicknessJuly 1 to June 30 annually – 15 CE credits

Agents, brokers and adjusters in Alberta must maintain their continuing education certificates for three years after the expiry of the licensing period in which the credits were earned. The Alberta Insurance Council may conduct random audits and these audits will only extend back three years.

Alberta allows for a carry-over of 7.5 hours/credits per year, per insurance class.

All licensees will be required to earn 15 hours of credits per certificate (with a carry-over of 7.5 hours per year allowed.) When renewing his or her license, the licensee must declare that he or she has obtained the required number of hours. The Alberta Insurance Council may conduct random audits.


Purchase or renew your ILS CE Course Subscription and complete your CE requirements entirely online now.






This is it! CE Credit Deadline just days away.

This is it! CE Credit Deadline just days away.

Feeling panicky about your May 31 CE credit deadline?

Yes you better believe it, your CE credit deadline is this Sunday. (Insert panic, and perhaps a few choice words here)

So this is around the time you promise yourself you wont leave your CE to the last minute again next year. Sounds familiar right? Your intentions are good, but how do ensure you don’t end up in the same CE Credit Cram?

How to avoid the CE Credit Cram.

Start Early.

Procrastinator? No not you! You just leave everything to the last minute because by then you’ll be older and wiser. Nice try. Properly allocating time to complete your CE can turn a really stressful last minute situation in to something much more manageable.  (OK so your time management skills need a little help? Check out ILScorp’s Time Management Course)

Understand Expectations.

Know what is expected of you. As an insurance agent, broker or adjuster in Canada you must comply with your provincial continuing education requirements and record keeping. Discovering that you actually need 10 CE and not 5, is probably not the way you want to start Monday morning. Not sure what your CE requirements are? For full Canadian insurance licensing requirements, obligations and restrictions visit the ILScorp Resource Center, to view the licensing regulations for your province.

Set Goals.

When setting study goals and CE completion tasks, the most important thing to do is be honest and realistic with yourself and your ability to study. Your study goals should not be intense, life altering, unachievable tasks, (Save those for New Years) ensure you include time for work, relaxation and your social life. With an ILScorp CE Course Subscription you have unlimited online access to all your CE courses for 6 months. Set a goal to complete a few hours of CE each month, and by this time next year you’ll actually be enjoying your weekend before the deadline.

So even if you are CE Credit Cramming today, don’t stress out just yet, ILScorp is here to help.

ILS offers accredited continuing education courses for insurance agents and financial planners across Canada.  With an ILS CE Course Subscription immediately access hundreds of provincially accredited CE hours for one low cost. You can complete your CE entirely online at your own pace, where ever you have an internet connection.

Get online and get to work. Purchase or renew your ILS CE Course Subscription and complete your CE requirements entirely online now.

(Our office hours are Monday to Friday – 8:00 am – 5:00 pm PST; Closed Saturday, Sunday and Statutory holidays)






Frustrated with your Continuing Education Options?

Frustrated with your Continuing Education Options?

What separates good continuing education from great continuing education?

Good continuing education gets the desired message across, great continuing education is learning that engages, excites, and exceeds learner expectations.

ILScorp’s online continuing education courses, with frequent interactives, visual stimulation and self-pace environment, facilitates positive and easy information transfer.

Incorporating compliance and knowledge-based courses, ILScorp’s online courses allow you to gain not only the continuing education credits required to maintain your insurance license, but also the practical education and knowledge that will set you, and your business, apart from the competition.  Knowledge is power and in the insurance industry, power comes with having a measurable, competitive advantage.

ILScorp’s Online Learning courses are designed and implemented specifically for the unique requirements and needs of your organization and your employees.


Online courses as part of your continuing education program, compared to classroom training.

EFFECTIVENESS: According to the Department of Education, “online learning has been modestly more effective, on average, than the traditional face-to-face instruction with which it has been compared.”

Group learning and classroom progress assume every learner proceeds at the same pace. It ignores individual learning differences. Online learning with its frequent interactives, visual stimulation and self-pace environment, facilitates positive and easy information transfer.

Online Learning content is an infinitely usable, and reviewable resource, with the ability to quickly update / edit as needed to ensure your students are accessing the most up to date content available.


Email ILScorp To Learn More About Your Continuing Education Options


ILS offers accredited continuing education courses for insurance brokers, agents, adjusters and financial planners across Canada. With an ILS CE Course Subscription immediately access hundreds of provincially accredited CE hours for one low cost. Students can access and print their completed course certificates at their convenience and we keep all completed course history on file for up to 7 years.





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