Have you ever thought to yourself, ‘that person has a bad attitude’?


Our values/motivations represent how we view the world.  When two people have different values there will undoubtably be a debate in a conversation where one feels their values are being attacked.


Our values/motivations are the reason we behave the way we do as we see it as the way to get what we want! If we take the time to understand the ‘why’ behind another person’s views it will lead to better communication.  A good relationship doesn’t mean guaranteed agreement all the time however it does help us open our minds to hear what the other person is saying without judgement.


As with the DISC behaviours, everyone has each of the following motivations in varying degrees.


Theoretical/Knowledge                      Social/Others

Utilitarian/Utility                                Individualistic/Power

Aesthetic/Surroundings                      Traditional/Methodologies


In our next blog, we will discuss the first value/motivation:  Theoretical

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