Life Insurance – The Underwriting Process

Between the time that a policy is sold and the time that it is issued, our most important responsibilities are to see that:

  1. The application is clear, complete, accurate and easy to read.
  2. We are actively involved in ensuring the medical examination is handled:
    • to the convenience of all concerned; and
    • as quickly as possible for the protection of the applicant.
  3. The inspection report, if required, is accurate and not delayed through inaccuracies or carelessness.
  4. We follow up on all questions and requests.
  5. The client’s advisors, such as their accountants or lawyers, are treated in the same manner that the client is treated. We need to make sure that we do not invade their areas of expertise.
  6. All required forms are submitted at the time of the application. Additional forms could include, preferred underwriting questionnaires, critical illness questionnaires or, in the case of disability insurance, financial information such as tax returns.

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